I år passerades en ny milstolpe på Youtube. Minecraftfilmer har setts fler än en biljon, det vill säga 1 000 000 000 000 gånger.
Det handlar om vääääldigt många visningar. Om varje visning så bara var en enda sekund lång, så blir det ändå över 30 000 år totalt.
För att fira rekordet har Youtube själva satt samman en egen sida om visningsrekordet med mer statistik om trender och historik för Minecraftfilmer genom åren.
If each of those one trillion views were just one second long, that would add up to over 30,000 years. If each view were a Minecraft block 12 inches square, you could build a stack that reached from the Earth to the sun and back — with about seven million miles to spare. That’s how big one trillion views is. So how do you get there? We looked at the data – all 12 years’ worth of daily uploads and views from tens of thousands of creators and millions of viewers – and now that we’ve mined our way through, we can show you.
Och tittandet verkar heller inte alls avta utan snarare öka exponentiellt. Enligt Youtubes statistik så tog det åtta år att nå de första 500 miljarderna visningar, medan de återstående 500 miljarderna bara tagit lite mer än två år.
The story of Minecraft on YouTube is one of endless creativity fueled by changes to the game, changes to YouTube, and the ever-evolving interests of both creators and their viewers. Believe it or not, all that energy and output seems to be gaining momentum. As our data shows, it took around eight years for this community to generate 500 billion views, but only another two or so to double that and hit one trillion. What future heights they hit we can only guess at, but as with this milestone, it will be fun to watch it happen.

Har ni sett något filmklipp om Minecraft på Youtube? Genom kalkylatorn på sidan kan ni räkna ut hur mycket ert eget tittande bidragit till statistiken.