X-Wing Store Championship Uppsala


Prisfyndet tillsammans med Uppsalas förening Starfighters bjuder in till X-Wing Store Championship.

Registrering: 11:00
Start; ca: 11:30
Kostnad: 50kr
Tid/Runda: 75min
Platser: 16st
Bokning: Görs via telefon till Prisfyndet 018-106607
Priser: The winner receives a Store Championship plaque and a card granting one first-round bye at a Regional Championship of the player’s choice
The top four players each receive one set of acrylic tokens
The top eight players each receive one dice bag
The top thirty-two players each receive one alternate art card
Format: SWISS, Rundor beror på antal spelare + eventuell cut till top 4.
Squadbuilding: Maximum squad points is 100 points, each player may choose to field either a Rebel or Imperial squad. Players must use the same squad for the duration of the tournament, including upgrades. A player cannot bring more then one copy of each asteroid token.
Squadlist: Lämnas in vid registrering
Scoring: Win 5p, Modified Match Win* 3p, Draw 1p, Loss 0p. *game goes to time.

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