Under kategorin ett-behov-du-inte-visste-att-du-hade, så placerar sig Tabletop Audio. Ett fenomenalt initiativ för bakgrundsmusik eller rena atmosfäriska ljudeffekter för speländamål. Må det så vara rollspel som lajv eller brädspel. Ljudstyckena kan sorteras efter genrer som Fantasy, Scifi, Historical, Modern, Nature och Horror.
Tabletop Audio is for: Role-players, boardgamers, writers, coders, artists, graphic designers, teachers, house-cleaners, lucid dreamers, gym-rats, distance runners, commuters and ANYONE who wants to immerse themselves in the audio-space of one environment, while physically inhabiting another.
Vidare finns även SoundPad, med förberedda loopar kategoriserade efter olika händelser under spelens gång.
SoundPad was designed for those of you who wanted more control over your sonic environments. Instead of fire-and-forget 10 minute ambiences, each SoundPad is made up of a few dozen sounds, divided into categories. Many of these sounds are designed to loop and are loop enabled when the page is loaded. Additionally, most of the sounds can be layered on top of one another. The music tracks are slightly different in that they can be layered over any of the sounds but only one music track can play at a time.
Använder ni själva ljud eller musik som stämningsbyggare under era spelpass? Tyck gärna till nedanför.