Regissör Sarik Andreasyan och en serie ryska skådespelare har bestämt sig för att göra film av partyspelet Mafia. Det klassiska deduktion/dold förrädare-spelet skall ha blivit en populär TV-show på liv och död, i vad som tycks inspirerat av Hunger Games eller Running Man.
Filmen blir verklighet den 1 januari 2016 i Ryssland. Ingen information om svenskt datum.
“Mafia” is an action thriller, based on the famous interactive survival game Mafia*, the action takes place in the distant future in Moscow, Russia. Mafia game is a world-wide phenomenon, now the most popular television show ever. Every year, eleven fearless volunteers, from all walks of life, gather together to find out who are the innocent civilians, and who are the ruthless Mafia. A game, that the outcome of which determines who will live, and who will die. Those who die are hunted by their worst fears, in elaborate and horrifying ways, while the whole world watches in rapacious awe. There are only two ways out, to win and become wildly rich and famous, or to lose and vanish forever into the abyss of your nightmares.